Relocation of MORIS Design’s Production Hall


The MORIS Design company was planning to move their production hall from Prague. With the new hall having a completely different layout than the previous one, we had to closely coordinate the entire moving process with the client.

First, we started with machine disassembly. The client’s machinery equipment was ranging from CNC machines and CNC saws to five-axis saws and other industrial machines used for manufacturing shop interiors and commercial spaces. The largest piece of equipment was the silo. Due to its size, it could not be transported in one piece; therefore we carefully cut it into two parts.

Then we loaded all machines and equipment on a truck using a forklift, a crane, a manipulator, jacks, and certified chassis. Then we secured the load carefully and commenced with the transport to the required location.

Finally, we welded the silo, assembled all the machines, and connected the machines back to the power supply and air venting system – all in close cooperation with authorized service workers and the client’s personnel.

The entire moving process was completed in 4 days, and the MORIS Design company could start production again.