Relocation of Qwix Food’s Potato Chips Production Line


The Qwix Food company asked us to move their potato chips production line from the Czech Republic to Egypt. The production line consisted of machinery and all associated parts such as air conditioning and a large hot oil boiler. Despite our extensive experience with machinery moving and factory relocations, this project was perhaps the most challenging of all.

Moving preparations and planning

Everything needed to be carefully planned for. Since the production line was to be transported outside of the EU, first we had to obtain all the necessary permits and authorizations. Then we had to purchase an appropriate amount of shipping containers. Unfortunately, the supply was very limited and the prices of shipping containers skyrocketed due to the ongoing coronavirus-related crisis in the world economy.

When the paperwork was complete, we could start with the machine disassembly. After disconnecting machines from the power supply, we meticulously dismantled all parts. Larger pieces had to be cut in order to fit in the containers. Individual parts were then weighed, measured and carefully packed.

We backed up the system and took detailed photo documentation. Cables, spare parts, air conditioning parts and many other components – everything had to be properly documented. Finally, we stored all parts in shipping containers and secured them for transport. The production line equipment filled as many as 13 shipping containers.

Also, it was necessary to pack the venting system and the system for heating oil and water. All the pipes and wiring had to be disassembled, including the boiler itself. The boiler was especially hard to reach as it was placed under the roof at a height of 3 meters.

At this point, we were ready to start loading the containers on trucks. We loaded two trucks a day, using a forklift and a crane.

Although it was a challenging transfer, we managed to overcome all obstacles and the containers successfully arrived in Egypt. Now they are stored in a warehouse waiting for us to rebuild the production line again. Thanks to the fact that we have everything perfectly documented, we expect the assembly to be a fairly simple project.

Please see a video from the relocation below, as filmed by the MasterCrane Production: